Heater Adapter Finder

Fill in information about your jobsite below and we'll list available heater adapters for your selections.

ips dips jis cts iso

Base Type

Reference images

Search Available Adapters

We found {{adapters.length}} adapters that met your selections.

Select the adapter below with a fusion width/diameter that best suits your need.

Sorry, we didn't find an adapter that met your selections.

We may be able to create a custom adapter for your jobsite, or assist you in your selection. Please contact [email protected] for more details.


Image is for reference purposes only.




Fusion Width/Diameter
{{((item.id.replace(partNumber,''))/100).toFixed(2)}}" ({{(((item.id.replace(partNumber,''))/100).toFixed(2)) * 25.4 | number:1}}mm)

Part Number: {{item.id}}

{{item.price | currency}}Please Call For Pricing Information
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